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Cognitive challenges, especially memory problems, can develop after a bone marrow/stem cell transplant or CAR T-cell therapy. This presentation describes strategies that you can use to address memory problems and improve your quality of life.
Download Speaker Slides Coping with Attention, Learning and Memory Problems after Transplant Saturday, April 17, 2021 Presenter: Shelli Kesler PhD, Associate Professor, Co-Chair of Survivorship and Supportive Care Research, Livestrong
Muchas personas informan como se altera su forma de pensar y procesar la información después de un trasplante de médula ósea. Descubra por qué ocurren estos cambios, cuánto duran normalmente y las estrategias que puede utilizar para funcionar a pesar de los mismos.
La quimioterapia, los esteroides y algunos de los medicamentos antiinfecciosos que reciben los pacientes durante un trasplante de células madre pueden afectar el funcionamiento del cerebro. Aprenda qué medicamentos causan problemas y qué hacer al respecto.
Cognition after Transplant: Coping with Attention, Learning and Memory Issues July 12, 2020 Part of the Virtual Celebrating a Second Chance at Life Survivorship Symposium 2020 Presenter: Michael Parsons PhD
Learn how to manage chemobrain in this video: Cognitive Effects of Cancer Treatment: Chemobrain and How to Treat It. Neuropsychologist Dr. David Sabsevitz will discuss: Cognition What is chemo-brain, possible