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Hable con Alguien, Encuentre Recursos Valiosos, Aprenda de Expertos

Nuestras publicaciones y nuestro sitio web son cuidadosamente revisados por expertos médicos líderes para garantizar su precisión. Nuestros voluntarios y personal entienden cómo usted se siente: muchos de nosotros hemos estado en sus zapatos y estamos listos para ayudarlo.

Resource Directory

Resource Directory

Resource Directory BMT InfoNet has created a directory of organizations that provide helpful information and support for transplant patients and their loved ones.

Mental Health Directory

Mental Health Directory

Mental health providers with transplant, CAR T-cell therapy and/or GVHD experience

Talk to a Survivor or Family Caregiver

Talk to a Survivor or Family Caregiver

If you or a loved one is going to have a transplant or CAR T-cell therapy, chances are you are feeling scared and overwhelmed. Our Caring Connections Program can help!

GVHD Support Groups

GVHD Support Groups

BMT InfoNet hosts support groups throughout the year for people living with graft-versus-host diseases (GVHD). There are separate groups for patients and for caregivers.

BMT InfoNet Patient Assistance Fund

BMT InfoNet Patient Assistance Fund

BMT InfoNet's Patient Assistance Fund (PAF) helps transplant and CAR T-cell patients with living expenses during treatment.

Mental Health Directory

Support Transplant or CAR T-cell Therapy Recipients and Their Loved Ones

Join Caring Connections - a one-one peer support network for families facing a transplant or CAR T-cell therapy.