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Leading transplant experts share vital information to help you make informed healthcare decisions before and after transplant.

Astronauts, Transplant and CAR T-cell Recipients: What Do They Have In Common?

Strategies astronauts use to stay fit during space flight can help bone marrow/stem cell transplant and CAR T-cell recipients.
Presenter: Joseph Pidala MD, PhD, Associate Member of the Moffitt Blood and Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Immunotherapy Program, and Associate Professorin the Department of Oncologic Sciences at the University of
Caring for a recovering transplant can be rewarding, but challenging as well. Learn how self-care, patience and setting realistic expectations can ease the caregiver burden.
By the year 2030, there will be an estimated 500,000 stem cell transplant survivors dealing with a variety of health issue after transplant. Each survivor needs a personalized survivorship healthcare plan so that they and all healthcare professionals involved in their care understand their medical history and the potential health issues they may face long-term as a result of their transplant.
How you navigate the health insurance system depends on whether you have insurance through an employer, a government plan or through a private insurance policy. Understanding insurance terms will help you calculate the best plan for your needs.
Music is one of the only phenomena that stimulates both sides of the brain. When used intentionally, it can help soothe anxiety and improve brain function. Music therapists work as part of the healthcare team to improve a patient’s quality of life.
Sixty percent of women report at least one sexual problem after transplant, especially those with graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). Sexual difficulties are a couples’ problem that can be addressed with counseling, medical interventions and over-the-counter treatments.
Changes in sexual desire and ability to perform are common after transplant. Strategies to address low desire and inability to achieve an erection, as well as how to communicate with your partner, can improve the sexual health of men after transplant.
Blood disorders and transplant involve intense psychological challenges that can persist for months or yearsThe biggest psychological challenge is coping with uncertaintyDiaphragmatic breathing and mindfulness can help calm distress
Recovering from a bone marrow or stem cell transplant using donor cells requires life-long vigilance to detect potential long-term complications. Having a support team of doctors and family can help ensure a long, healthy life.
Recovering from a bone marrow or stem cell transplant using donor cells requires life-long vigilance to detect potential long-term complications. Having a support team of doctors and family can help ensure a long, healthy life.
Patients who undergo a stem cell transplant using their own cells (an autologous transplant) have an increased risk of heart disease, infection, pulmonary problems and sexual dysfunction. Careful monitoring and a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of developing serious problems.
Chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) s the most common long-term complication after a transplant using donor cells. It can affect virtually every organ of the body. Most of the patients have mild or moderate chronic graft-versus-host disease, if they develop it. Treatment options vary, depending on location of GVHD and severity.
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