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Few transplant centers currently have guidelines and support programs to help patients return to work after a stem cell transplant. New return-to-work guidelines and tools have been developed by transplant and other medical specialists help patients return to work after a stem cell transplant.
eturning to work after transplant poses many challenges. Several Federal and state laws provide workers who are struggling with a serious illness, and in some cases, their family members, protection against job discrimination, guaranteed time off work to recover or care for a loved one, job security while off work, and/or money to help replace lost wages.
Twenty percent of cancer survivors report limitations on their ability to work one to five years after diagnosis. Disability laws requires employers, in many cases, to make reasonable accommodations to a person’s job, schedule, or workplace environment to enable the person to continue to work.
A change in employment or work status can create hardship for patients after transplant. Federal and state laws prohibit discrimination based on your medical history. Supplemental social security income (SSI) and social security disability income (SSDI) can help while a patient is unable to work.