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Caregivers are critical to the United States (US) Health Care system as more procedures are moved outpatient and home care is required. Yet they must deal with the emotional toll of the responsibilities, the financial impact of being a caregiver and the accompanying negative emotions. Often times, caregivers are required to perform tasks previously performed by medical professionals yet caregivers don’t necessarily have the training. Just like the cancer patients, caregivers experience a whole range of negative emotions which need to be acknowledged and addressed.
Recovering from a transplant poses many challenges for a patient’s personal relationships with spouses, partners, family members, and friends. While they may wish for a return to “normal,” this may not be possible and new standards for “normal” may emerge. This presentation offers strategies for navigating these changing relationships and fostering positive outcomes.
The physical and emotional needs of caregivers for stem cell transplant recipients are often unaddressed, as the medical team focuses on the needs of the patient. Caregivers need to identify strategies that will help them manage chronic stress for the long-haul.
Caring for a recovering transplant can be rewarding, but challenging as well. Learn how self-care, patience and setting realistic expectations can ease the caregiver burden.