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Living with graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) can be challenging not only for the patient, but for the patient’s caregiver as well. It is vital for family caregivers to maintain their own health and quality of life while caring for the patient/loved-one. This presentation presents a road map for how to do just that.
Caregivers for patients with graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) face unique challenges. It is important to understand how caring for a GVHD patient affects the caregiver’s physical and emotional health. This presentation discusses ways to cope and build resilience for the GVHD journey.
Being a caregiver for a person with GVHD presents unique challenges and stresses. Through regular personalized self-care, community support and a focus on leading a meaningful life, the physical and mental toll of caregiving can be managed.