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Stem cell transplant recipients are at an elevated risk for osteoporosis and bone fractures after transplant which can be disabling or life-threatening. Learn who’s at risk and screenings and treatments options that can help prevent fractures due to bone loss.
Many women experience sexual problems following a stem cell transplant. A variety of medical and psychologist issues contribute to problems with intimacy and sexual health, but effective treatment options are available.
This presentation reviews some of the short- and long-term cardiovascular toxicities that can develop after stem cell transplantation. It describes strategies that patients and their physicians can use to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular problems after transplant.
Bone marrow transplant survivors have an increased risk of developing a second or “secondary” cancer later in life. This video discusses risk factors for developing a secondary cancer, cancers most frequently seen after transplant and monitoring and testing that should be done periodically to catch second cancers early when they are easiest to treat. (Throughout the talk, bone marrow transplant refers both to bone marrow transplants and stem cell transplants, as well as cord blood transplants.)
Dry mouth, mouth sores and reduced saliva production are common after a stem cell transplant. Being vigilant about daily mouth care and finding a dentist who is familiar with problems that can arise after transplant are important steps to take to protect your mouth long-term after transplant.
Multiple myeloma is a cancer of plasma cells, which are blood cells that are responsible for producing antibodies to fight infections. Patients with multiple myeloma often undergo a stem cell transplant as part of their initial treatment. Maintenance therapy after a stem cell transplant can enable myeloma patients to live longer but can also cause side effects.
Descargue las Diapositivas de la Presentación Introducción a la Enfermedad de Injerto contra Huésped (Introduction to Graft-versus-Host Disease (GVHD)) Sábado 29 de abril de 2023 Presentador: Dr. Suarez-Londono, Escuela de
Descargue las Diapositivas de la Presentación Enfermedad de Injerto contra Huésped: Avances en la Prevención y el Tratamiento (Graft-versus-Host Disease: Advances in Prevention and Treatment) Martes 2 de mayo de
After being diagnosed with myelodysplastic syndrome, nurse Justin Regan underwent two stem cell transplants using cells from a donor. He recounts his experience and shares what inspired him to continue on through treatment, despite the difficulties.
Descargue las Diapositivas de la Presentación Salud Sexual Masculina Después del Trasplante (Men's Sexual Health after Transplant) Viernes 5 de mayo de 2023 Presentador: Dr. José Flores MD, MHA, Memorial