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It can be hard for stem transplant recipients to get sufficient calories, protein and nutrients needed after transplant to repair tissue damage and promote health. This presentation describes which types of food and beverage help recovery after transplant, and whether some popular diets are safe for transplant survivors.
Graft-versus-host disease occurs when a donor’s cells attack a transplant recipient’s organs and tissues. GVHD can occur throughout the gastrointestinal system as well as in the liver. This presentation describes how GVHD can attack the mouth, esophagus, stomach, large and small bowels and liver.
Men who undergo a stem cell or bone marrow transplant may experience problems with sexual health and satisfaction after transplant. Physical problems, like erectile dysfunction, can trigger emotional difficulties that add to the problem. This program describes the most common sexual problems men face after transplant, and some effective treatments.
eturning to work after transplant poses many challenges. Several Federal and state laws provide workers who are struggling with a serious illness, and in some cases, their family members, protection against job discrimination, guaranteed time off work to recover or care for a loved one, job security while off work, and/or money to help replace lost wages.
Marijuana is used by many stem cell transplant recipients to manage a variety of side effects, but caution is advised. The potency and purity can vary, depending on the source, and marijuana can affect the effectiveness of some other medications the patient may be taking.
Recovering from a transplant poses many challenges for a patient’s personal relationships with spouses, partners, family members, and friends. While they may wish for a return to “normal,” this may not be possible and new standards for “normal” may emerge. This presentation offers strategies for navigating these changing relationships and fostering positive outcomes.
Key Points: (02:43) Dry eyes from GVHD is more severe than common dry eyes and can lead to corneal abrasions . (03:37) Blood vessels can grow into the cornea, cause
COVID-19 and its variants present ongoing risks to the general population and added risks for cancer patients, people with weak immune systems, and transplant survivors. This presentation reviews the basics about COVID-19, prevention strategies, recent variants, available therapies, and vaccine responses and provides specific advice for cancer patients and survivors.
Secondary cancers sometimes occur after a bone marrow, stem cell transplant or cord blood transplant. Frequent screening can help detect secondary cancers early when treatment is most effective. Lifestyle modifications can also reduce the risk of developing certain cancers after transplant.
There are many kinds of insurance plans and coverages available in the United States. This presentation describes different plans in both the private market and government sector to guide patients through the maze of options. It also describes how different plans may complement one another and provide fuller coverage than any single plan on its own.